THE Fabri Tignvarii
The Fabri Tignvarii association is specialised in the restitution of ancient building sites. We focus mainly on the period from the end of the 1st century AD to the beginning of the 3rd century AD, which represents in Gaul and the neighbouring regions, the building impetus that endowed the towns with substantial public buildings and the countryside with sumptuous villae.
Experimental Archaeology
Our scientific team, made up of members combining university backgrounds and training in the building industry, combine knowledge and know-how to support you in your experimental approaches. In this way, we will be able to meet your specifications and take into account the issues related to your expectations.
Restoration of archaeological sites
The craftsmen who make up our team have been trained for more than 10 years in the restoration of historical monuments. They in turn train the workers of tomorrow. Our university courses in history, archaeology and building archaeology enable us to restore and enhance archaeological remains while respecting ancient building techniques. We also propose that these restorations be available in the form of educational workshops.
Audiovisual Creations
Our various lifting devices, our equipment copied from ancient sources and the application of unique Roman methods allow us to offer original audiovisual content that can be used to feed a documentary or audiovisual content of historical value.
The attention to small details allows a high quality rendering and guarantees the most total immersion.
Conception et Fabrication de fac-similés
Suite à plusieurs demandes d'institutions et de sites, nous proposons dorénavant la réalisation de fac-similé / restitution / évocation pédagogiques d'architecture romaine. Ces maquettes, de taille réelle, permettent une compréhension immédiate des volumes et du style architectural, c'est une immersion dans les caractéristiques techniques de la construction.
En plus de pouvoir être manipulées, elles permettent de créer de nouveaux ateliers pédagogiques et de donner de la hauteur en parallèle des vestiges archéologiques.